Self-Care Series #2: Suggestions by Type


Best Relaxation Options for you type:

If you’ve taken Feminine Stress Test here on my site, you’ll know if you are predominantly a Nurturer (Kapha), Iconoclast (Vata) or Dynamic (Pitta) type of woman.  Take the test here:

This info is to create a healthy balance- all illness (other than contagious) has to do with lifestyle choices and a bit of genetics (less than we think.) All of us (me too,) tend to do more of what we naturally like-so it increases our imbalance- if we like sweets we eat more- not good if you are a Nurturer type-it will eventually slow you down, make you feel heavier and less motivated.  Each type has amazing gifts and natural weaknesses.

Often “genetics” is that we do what our parents/grandparents did as lifestyle choices/emotional choices and we get the same results!  There is  a science call epigenetics that investigates why a gene will or won’t turn on- holistic folks think it’s often how we manage our emotions/lifestyle choices that have an affect on that.

Iconoclast (Vata)

  • quiet time in nature
  • stay warm, especially back of neck and lower back
  • anything that makes you feel safe and nurtured- like a deep guided relaxation
  • prayer that builds faith & meditation

Dynamic (Pitta)

  • anything relaxing by water, that is cool (not hot environment)
  • reading heart warming stories like Chicken Soup for Soul series
  • any practice that calms your competitive nature
  • prayer & quiet meditation

Nurturer (Kapha)

  • cook for a group of friends
  • volunteer doing something you love
  • a brisk walk or exercise with a friend or group
  • yoga/tai-chi

Take a more extensive test here, that will give you herbs, supplements and lots of detail:

Banyan Botanicals! 

go to the Create Your Ayurvedic Profile (green button) to take a wonderful test that can help support a healthy lifestyle. I order all my herbs from them and this is why I”m an affiliate (any purchase via that initial link gives me a small amount-at no cost to  you) when you purchase.


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