Women’s Sexual Health: Low Libido/Fertility- Holistic Healing Approaches

Can holistic practice help heal our reproductive system and support our Sexual Energy?

I could say that if you are a healthy individual with in two weeks you should feel an increase in your libido increase in your how do I want to say…. increase in your in your functioning from the energy meridian points and exercises I teach in my course; this is just for women.

I think it’s a topic that is going to be relevant if you’re in your twenties or thirties or if you’re in your 50s and 60s. The health of our female reproductive system is a key barometer of our happiness and overall health.

a lot of us women are suffering from either having low libido, or reproductive issues; as we get older maybe your libido is not matching that of your partner. A decrease in libido as we age is normal. But there are things we can do to lesson the drop.

Or if you are single and you just want to keep your reproductive system healthy and I can especially as we get older ladies you know they’re there different things that can happen.

You’ve heard of the genitourinary system right you probably heard of that so your urinary and genital genital urinary system is linked with the urinary system and in the system that I studied its length with the kidney and bladder energy.

This is not medical advice this is coming from traditional healing traditions and does not preclude you working with a doctor at all.

So the genitourinary system- if you can keep that kidney and bladder energy strong that’s going to keep you with a good amount of energy overall.

A good libido is linked with having a normal amount of energy and then this is one of the expression of that– your sexuality is the expression of it.

So if your energy is low and you think about someone who’s depressed when you’re depressed you’re NOT thinking about sex if you’re really depressed.

As well as there are other meridians specifically have to do with the uterus and supporting a nourishing the uterus: liver meridian and stomach/spleen meridians.

Since Covid began, I have been doing lately is taking what I would do in person as a massage therapist and teaching individuals how to do self-treatment for themselves.

These potent Points these power points can be part of our healing kit okay not everything; they work well in combination with medical or other systems.

Goddess as we get older the libido tends to go down there are ways to work with that also work with our bodies so that our body is able to still be responsive. And in particular able to enjoy intercourse, all of this is really about circulation and blood flow normalizing.

So whether you’re young or old you can definitely there things you can definitely do to improve your libido now one point that I teach: is liver 3.


I’m going to show you on a picture here: what you could do is take your thumb, when you use your thumb and pressed into the point where you see in the picture is between your big toe and hethe second toe.

Liver 3: increase circulation of Chi throughout the entire body. Easing stress and tension.

This point is usually tender when you press on it. You can also use your middle or index finger it depends how you are sitting okay.

LOCATION: the point is in between the bones on the foot between the metatarsal so you’re not– you never press on bone you’re pressing into the hollows.

There are like little Junctions of energy so this is one good one to work with; their other techniques, some gentle yoga postures you can hold again that will bring more blood flow because again that’s really what you want you want to bring blood flow into the hips the pelvis that whole area.

I can literally say to you that the points and methods that I’m going to teach you’ll notice an improvement in two weeks or less if you practice daily and are fairly healthy, within this new program called Sexual Energy Alchemy.

I’m putting together my wisdom from about 1994 when I got certified to teach yoga. I’ll be mixing multiple modalities so now the only thing this is not is not an herbal course and it’s a short course you will have information that you can do at home on your self, it’ll be a lot of self treatment techniques self massage technique.

If you’re coming from having an illness or being infertile, this can support the other medical approaches you are doing! Any questions find me at assistant (at) intheflowofmagic (dot) com.

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