Meditate With Me & Solving Meditation Problems

Meditation can feel good- I made a “meditate with me” live video, simple, me meditating in real time, voice guiding you GENTLY for 5 Min. with bells to signal end.

Dive into meditation this NOW, go inward and focus on what feels good in mind and body.

This five minute guided meditation for inner peace and inner calm will leave you feeling amazing!

I can’t meditate, is the top thing those who feel they’ve “failed” at meditation say! I explore the top 5 most common reasons you might have difficulty & problems meditating. Sharing my own stories of overcoming each meditation obstacle I give a quick tip on how to fix it.

Problems meditating

Share your specific questions and problems you have meditating in comments! Meditation problems are PART of the practice- they are the reason you meditate, and I will make more videos addressing each reason when you “can’t meditate.”

The top 5 reasons why you “can’t meditate” covered in this video are:

  1. Mind wandering- you can’t keep your mind on the focus of the meditation, whether it’s mantra, chakra or breath..
  2. Anxious/antsy: you feel fidgety, anxious, nervous while meditating
  3. No time: you can’t because you feel you don’t have time to stop and practice
  4. Pain while meditating: you get pains in your knees or back or anyplace and feel uncomfortable
  5. Sleepy: the minute you sit down to meditate, you start feeling drowsy, tired and fall asleep

I’m a spiritual teacher, yogini and meditation practitioner for over 2 decades. Been featured in Essence, Self, Yoga Journal & Heart & Soul magazines. I provide spiritual coaching (online and audio/video) for any woman ready to live their best, most joyful life!
My focus is on spiritual growth, meditation, manifestation & developing our intuition as the connection to the Divine. With a focus on those suffering from anxiety and stress.

Join my In the Flow of Magic (tarot readings & spirituality,) e-list here: and get two guided relaxation, meditations FREE and blog post updates:

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Have a wonderful week, spread peace, and your gifts with the world.

Twitter: @KalaViv
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