
Chakra Soul Alchemy Course
for women


Are you a spiritual woman ready to create your grand transition- into a new phase of life? Then this course is perfect for you Goddess.

My most popular video series, on Youtube are the ones on chakras, totaling over 100k+ views!

This prompted the realization that their are lots of women seeking healing & transformation via energy and subtle body work.

So I created “Chakra Soul Alchemy” online course with the intention that is gives you a direct path for healing emotionally & strengthening yourself as a feminine spiritual woman.

So that you can step forward boldly to do your great work, and manifest your Divine Vision of abundance, joy and love into the world.



You finish this course as a different woman than you began it- with more inner confidence, crystal clarity & zen- like calm.

  • With increased self-belief and self-love.  You’ll start to take actions you’ve always wanted to.

  • Clarity:  Heighten your trust in your intuition and get more tuned into it perfect guidance for you.

  • Calm:  Daily life feels much calmer, your sleep is better.  You feel more in flow.  You are more in control of your life.

You’ll have clarity about specific practices that are right for you at any time- to shift your energy in the right direction.

What makes this chakra course special?

One of things is the inclusion of  activation “power points” to energize the meridian flow to each chakra! 

It’s the thing students love and mention the most, along with the option of live office hour sessions (premium option.)

And what’s the difference from my wonderful free content- on Youtube?





By enrolling you’ll,  learn from  someone who’s been studying chakras and holistic healing since 1994!


“… I realized that I had the weak 1st and 2nd Chakras compared to the other Chakras…

This practice helped me realize that I had to bring my strength to these areas and I could see many things manifested over the course of the time. 

I noticed that people also treated me differently and I attracted much attention from people around. I also experienced some synchronicity happened that I couldn’t explain but certainly, there was the power/money/sexual attraction energy strongly surrounded me during the practice.”

“Susan” (Name changed for privacy)

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“I love the set up of the curriculum with the multiple ways to work on the subjects that has something4 the spirit, mind and the body. The pressure points are so amazingly simple but effective.

I love the sense of Ahhh my body experiences after each session when I do them.”  ~Kel

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Viv, last class you gave, on the sacral & navel chakras was amazing!

Doing the pressure points with you in class was good, and I definitely learned where to find the points and how to stimulate them, but I didn’t notice any immediate changes. 

Then we did the meditation for the first three chakras, and I really felt the energy moving.  Afterwards I felt calm & nourished, but I also felt energized in these three lower points.  Later in the day, I noticed that my constant knee pain had practically disappeared!  I was walking down the stairs, something that is usually painful for me in both knees, and I suddenly realized that both knees felt good! 

… I have repeated the pressure point stimulation and the meditation a few times since then, and have noticed an improvement in my knees each time.  Now, whenever my knees start hurting, I stimulate those points you showed us, and that gives me immediate relief.

Thank you so very much! This is a huge benefit for me.  I’ve had meniscus surgery and take lots of supplements, but I still have almost constant pain.  Stimulating the pressure points you taught us gives me relief from the pain and gives me hope that I can avoid future surgery.  Thank you.  

These are meaningful tips & tools that I can use in my daily routine.

Thank you for sharing this ancient wisdom with me and your other students in such a user-friendly manner. ❤

Best regards,

Marie Codinha, Portugal


Course unfolds over 10 weeks.  See the live support option below.

First lesson unlocks, starting Jan. 5th, 2023 (or the day you enroll.)

The exact release of lessons is set to allow time to rest & assimilate the transformative practices each lesson. There is a one week pause in lessons twice in the current program.

We practice with the awareness of the Divine Feminine awakening on the planet.  Thus we allow time of rest and renewal.

You have a full year with the materials online & a takeaway PDF to keep of all the lessons.

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Most online courses leave you alone with no contact with the teacher- especially at the affordable price point where I’ve chosen to price this potentially life changing program. 

Chakra Soul Alchemy Program, does provide a way for the engaged student to show up- and get live support from me! 

2 Live* office hours (optional) to get questions or concerns answered about any of the material, with Viv & the other Goddesses who may drop in!

Pre-scheduled Office Hours are (optional) via Zoom, and will be private or small group.

My office hour sessions are to support any questions you have re: coursework you’d like to discuss or get clarification on.



*All dates are subject to change!

When:  Saturdays, 12:30-1:30 Eastern/NY Time or Sat. 5 pm (correct time, will be announced!)

TBA: January, Feb, March… 2023


The time given- works well for east coast U.S., west coast. And works for England as well.




Are you ready to deepen your healing on your spiritual journey to wholeness.  In truth you are already whole, perfect and complete.  Our true essence is That.

 Your calling is to serve, heal and nurture in your field. 

Certificant’s get up to 18 months to complete their project and gain certification.

This course will provide you methods of deep soul restoration such that you are able to be that beacon of  light and deep service to many.

Are you ready to dive deep into the custom meditations, mudras, energy activation points & much more?

Your tribe is waiting for your leadership, we can only grow our work to the level of strength and wholeness we embody.

With the inner alchemy that this course provides-step by step, chakra by chakra- you will be able to take create and embody the healing into your specific life’s work.







Premiere Level:


Course + (2 Live coaching sessions) $497


Installment plan: 2 Payments of $264. 



<div id=”smart-button-container”> <div style=”text-align: center;”> <div style=”margin-bottom: 1.25rem;”> <p>Chakra Soul Alchemy Training</p> <select id=”item-options”><option value=”Self-Study ” price=”247.00″>Self-Study – 247.00 USD</option><option value=”Premiere Level w/Live ” price=”427.00″>Premiere Level w/Live – 427.00 USD</option><option value=”Certification Level w/Live” price=”697.00″>Certification Level w/Live – 697.00 USD</option></select> <select style=”visibility: hidden” id=”quantitySelect”></select> </div> <div id=”paypal-button-container”></div> </div> </div> <script src=”https://www.paypal.com/sdk/js?client-id=sb&enable-funding=venmo&currency=USD” data-sdk-integration-source=”button-factory”></script> <script> function initPayPalButton() { var shipping = 0; var itemOptions = document.querySelector(“#smart-button-container #item-options”); var quantity = parseInt(); var quantitySelect = document.querySelector(“#smart-button-container #quantitySelect”); if (!isNaN(quantity)) { quantitySelect.style.visibility = “visible”; } var orderDescription = ‘Chakra Soul Alchemy Training’; if(orderDescription === ”) { orderDescription = ‘Item’; } paypal.Buttons({ style: { shape: ‘pill’, color: ‘blue’, layout: ‘vertical’, label: ‘paypal’, }, createOrder: function(data, actions) { var selectedItemDescription = itemOptions.options[itemOptions.selectedIndex].value; var selectedItemPrice = parseFloat(itemOptions.options[itemOptions.selectedIndex].getAttribute(“price”)); var tax = (0 === 0 || false) ? 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0 : (selectedItemPrice * (parseFloat(0)/100)); if(quantitySelect.options.length > 0) { quantity = parseInt(quantitySelect.options[quantitySelect.selectedIndex].value); } else { quantity = 1; } tax *= quantity; tax = Math.round(tax * 100) / 100; var priceTotal = quantity * selectedItemPrice + parseFloat(shipping) + tax; priceTotal = Math.round(priceTotal * 100) / 100; var itemTotalValue = Math.round((selectedItemPrice * quantity) * 100) / 100; return actions.order.create({ purchase_units: [{ description: orderDescription, amount: { currency_code: ‘USD’, value: priceTotal, breakdown: { item_total: { currency_code: ‘USD’, value: itemTotalValue, }, shipping: { currency_code: ‘USD’, value: shipping, }, tax_total: { currency_code: ‘USD’, value: tax, } } }, items: [{ name: selectedItemDescription, unit_amount: { currency_code: ‘USD’, value: selectedItemPrice, }, quantity: quantity }] }] }); }, onApprove: function(data, actions) { return actions.order.capture().then(function(orderData) { // Full available details console.log(‘Capture result’, orderData, JSON.stringify(orderData, null, 2)); // Show a success message within this page, e.g. const element = document.getElementById(‘paypal-button-container’); element.innerHTML = ”; element.innerHTML = ‘<h3>Thank you for your payment!</h3>’; // Or go to another URL: actions.redirect(‘thank_you.html’); }); }, onError: function(err) { console.log(err); }, }).render(‘#paypal-button-container’); } initPayPalButton(); </scrCertification Level:*  Course + 4 live sessions) & requirements. $697*

*For yoga teachers, healers, coaches (or those studying to be/doing their own self healing journey)

Click the button to make payment & log-in to course on Teachable! 

Can use Paypal or credit card on their secure site.


“love that I can go at my own pace. I enjoyed the live session and the group interaction. I am better able to digest and enjoy working with each chakra; due to the spacing of the lessons.

The acupressure and breathwork have changed my physiology…



“Before enrolling in the Chakras Course, I was lacking energy, organization skills, and was unable to find ways to feel like I was in control of my emotions.  Now with better knowledge of how to actually work with the chakras, I am free from fatigue, I’m enjoying organizing my house, and I’m ready to make the next step in life to help others.”
Genae D. CYT-200

Hi,  I’m Vivinne Williams aka  (formerly) “yogini Kala” on Youtube. with a 23k+ subscriber channel devoted to women’s spirituality & wellbeing.

Educator, Mystic, Creative. Kripalu Certified Yoga Teacher, Lic. Massage TherapistMy mission (after surviving bullying, depression and PTSD in academia,) is helping Goddesses to thrive. 

And to live our mission to share our brilliant gifts with the world.I believe you are here on purpose!  For full bio go here.Goddess the world needs us now more than ever, that is very clear.

The Herbal Wisdom for each chakra was contributed by Sage Mauer.  For which I’m deeply grateful.

In 2001, Sage founded The Gaia School of Healing in New England and has trained over a thousand apprentices in the past 19 years. In Southern Vermont she lives and teaches in partnership with 10 acres of land covered in nettles, mugwort, violets, comfrey, and white pines.

For the past 25 years Sage has practiced a blend of traditional folk herbalism and plant spirit medicine, partnering with the spirits of nature and plant kingdoms as her teachers.

If I'm new to you, check out my Youtube channel for lots of content on chakras:


“The seed sounds, the finger/hand positioning, and pressure points. I love the active practice during lives dearly…”



I enjoy learning the characteristics of the different chakras. I love the content and the way the material is presented. The information is clear, concise and easy to follow. The portal is also user friendly and easy to navigate. I’m enjoying it very much.


Terms & conditions:

Access to the course website for 1 year from when you join.  But like most online courses you will receive a pdf with all the audio & text to keep forever.

Your responsibility:

You will be asked to complete a short survey during the course. And provide feedback that will be taken into consideration with other participants feedback to improve the course.