Mindfulness in Daily Life #1/5

Welcome, the key to improving in mindfulness meditation is to make it something that is not just confined to sitting on a cushion for 20 min. Mindfulness is an aspect of paying attention to what is happening with out judgement, calmly with soft but focused attention.  It has numerous health and pleasure benefits- we won’t miss important moments of our lives in distraction.

It’s amazing when brought into daily life try these mindfulness exercises. This can be challenging but the more you can incorporate some of these exercises into daily life, the calmer you will feel. Here are some easy ways, I suggest picking one to work with for the whole day or for  week.

And notice how over that time as you do these mindfulness exercises you become more aware, focused and peaceful.

1. Mindfulness Meditation while bathing/showering
I’m going to assume you are showering.  Notice even turning on the water
Notice the feel of the water, the temperature…
notice the feel of the soap and your movements the entire time
Notice the thought or feeling to end the shower, the intention to stop
And notice all of the movements turning off water, drying and so on

I’ll be giving short tips on everyday mindfulness in the upcoming weeks!
Mindfulness Meditation in Daily Life: I also own this. It’s written by the very gentle Vietnamese monk, Thich Nhat Hanh. He is an elder now, but was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Martin Luther King. Very sweet, gentle introduction to incorporating mindfulness into daily life as well as on the cushion.

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