E8: Vision Boards: A Fun, Manifesting Tool

Yep- share the Vision Board Tip Sheet with me (you’ll be asked for email and first name) here: http://eepurl.com/ci0h8L 

Confirm join list and the access is granted to the Free Tribe Members page, where you can download the PDF!  And you’ll also see my Weekly Spirit Message’s Video & Bonus.


Woot-woot-we are almost in the new year-it’s time for a change-change is always happening but can you work with the flow of Magic that is around us.

Vision boards can be powerful tools for manifestation! In this episode I give an overview, step by step of the process so you can get started.

This would be perfect as a background image, so much clear blue and great text.
Phase 1: Before some addition layering of text.
Phase: 2 About 80% complete here!

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