What are the chakras? the chakras are a metaphysical reality that we are composed of seven major energy centers located within our physical body but within our energy body.
The energy body is made up of not just the chakras but a system a network that you would call a pathways for energy so those are called meridians or nadis. Think of them as– to use an analogy of like traffic, say trains and the subway right so there are many pathways that take people throughout an entire city. In the same way the nadis move energy throughout your entire body and the chakras are where major lines of energy cross. In the same way if you know New York city for example or any major city there are major train stations there are major hubs. The chakras would be the major “stations” where energies cross and are modulated & transformed.
So our energy body is like a framework an energetic framework for our physical body and so within that energy body which lies within our physical body are the chakras. There’s seven major chakras as i mentioned: muladhara, svadishtana, manipura, anahata, vishudha, ajna and the crown; there are numerous related minor chakras that all relate back to a major chakra.
Check out the premiere Chakra & Energy Healing Course for women. Choose option with Live support sessions or self-study. It goes beyond mere information & guides you gently and thoroughly into energy healing. Using practices, like herbs, acupressure potent points, guided meditations and journaling. Info & testimonials: https://intheflowofmagic.com/courses/chakra-course-for-women/.
Nadis the lines that you see here are basically energy channels they’re also known as meridians and so it’s the the channels almost like our nerves but it’s the invisible channels through which our subtle energy flows. We have numerous nadis or energy channels but there are three main ones.
They are Ida on the left side of the spine and Pingala which is on the right side of the spine and then shushumna which is the central channel which is said to be within the spine. And so these are the three major nadis or energy channels that we are working with. And the chakras lie along the intersection of these three nadi’s. The energy is called prana or you might have heard that word or chi or ki or mana so it’s the life energy and it flows through the subtle energy channels or nadis within our physical body which is the wrapping around our energy body.
They start from the root which is muladhara swatisthana is the sacral chakra manipura is the third chakra anahata is the heart chakra vishuddhi or vishudha is the throat chakra ajna or agna is the third eye and sahasrara is the crown chakra.
The chakras are also linked with our emotions feelings ways of being in the world, particular organs in the body each one relates to and so we will dive in to each individual chakra. But just to understand the connections the multiple connections that these energy centers have in our lives it also doesn’t matter your race your gender your religion all of us this is a universal understanding we all have energy centers within us.
it’s a metaphysical understanding and the chakras are affected by many many things so it’s not a static thing it’s i always relate it to like like underwater like those ameniones or whatever they’re called where they’re sort of floating they’re moving they’re changing it’s not a static uh state.
the last important thing i’ll say at this point in introducing the chakra system of course we’re going to dive deeper into each chakra but the ancients and this is in all cultures all pre-industrial cultures they made connections between the natural world and the human body and the human being.
so they would draw connections they would see connections and so going back again to the chakras the muladhara chakra is linked with the quality of earth and they also mean literally with the quality of solidity that makes up the actual planet as well as in human beings as in animals they saw the unity in all of the differences the second chakra is linked with water so again has the quality of flowing and movement and so in the body that relates to blood and reproductive fluid and saliva and in the planet that relates out to the water systems so start to begin to think metaphorically and to see the connections that the ancients did that will lend a richness to your study and will really deepen your understanding of the chakra
Check out the premiere Chakra & Energy Healing Course for women. Choose option with Live support sessions or self-study. It goes beyond mere information & guides you gently and thoroughly into energy healing. Using practices, like herbs, acupressure potent points, guided meditations and journaling. Info & testimonials: https://intheflowofmagic.com/courses/chakra-course-for-women/.