A Yoga Practice to Build Your Inner Power & Manifestation Power

This kriya seems to give me, focus, power and initiative- a very yang-get things done energy! Here is what the official Kundalini Yoga website says of it (the bolding is mine):

When you control your domain you act from the center of your being. In the realm of mind it means you can hold and project an important thought. In the realm of body it means you are able to circulate blood from the core to the outlying limbs and glands. This kriya gives you that command in both realms.The deep muscular tension released through these exercises enables the blood to flow freely to all parts of the body, feeding the cells with oxygen and nutrients, and flushing the body of toxins and the byproducts of normal metabolism.

To get the full benefits it’s said to practice for 40 days straight lol! But you could start with 3x a week and see how you feel.  Questions are welcome.

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