🙏🏾 🦋 Goddess don’t miss- my Free Webinar: CHAKRAS & HEALING Our Locked Patterns of Behavior https://zoom.us/webinar/register/4816031328004/WN_bsu-GuOdRdyCRr4wVuwslw
You can create healing around feelings of Anger, Fear, Guilt, Grief with chakra work. This insightful analysis of the chakras and the emotions & feelings connected to them will be super helpful.
The emotions are related to the lower chakras, root, sacral, third and heart chakra.
By definition emotions are less turbulent once we are at a higher level like throat, third eye and crown.
The chakras represent stages of evolution so the upper chakras are more refined in terms even of the “emotions.”
HEY GODDESS: if you really want healing and breakthrough spiritual growth, and emotional healing: register here: CHAKRAS for CHALLENGING TIMES– https://intheflowofmagic.com/chakra-for-challenging-times-energy-healing-for-women/
Chakras & Emotions:
Root (1st) Chakra imbalanced is fear, balanced is trust/faith
Sacral (2nd) Chakra imbalanced is guilt/ balanced is stability of emotions/even emotional response
Third (3rd) Chakra imbalanced is anger, irritation, short temper- balanced is evenness of temper, optimism, energy & warmth!
Heart (Fourth) Chakra emotions imbalanced is grief, ability to let go is more balanced like how we inhale and exhale.