A free ranging discussion of the Divine Feminine. Includes two juicy guided practices. Looking to activate your inner femininity and find your inherent power? Our guided meditation is just what you need! Dive into your divine energy as we explore simple tips and methods for connecting with your feminine essence.
TIME STAMP: LIVE (EDITED) LISTEN TO AUDIO or jump to specific places in content!
****Guided Body/Sensation Meditation: 43:00 ****Golden Bowl Goddess Meditation: 49:50
-My first awareness of the Divine Feminine: 7:10 -Negative Treatment of Women Institutionalized: 12:32… It’s about POWER: Discussion of education, religion and societal institutions to suppress Feminine Energy…Discussion of Divine Feminine awakening again on planet as a balancing factor. -Discussion of Divine Masculine: 20:32, the positives male example, video games as a distraction for men from being dynamic healers/teacher in the world… -Fear’s effects on our thinking & problem solving: 38:25 ****Guided Meditation: 43:00 ****Golden Bowl Pelvic Meditation: 49:50
RAW TRANSCRIPT: (WILL be edited soon.)
It depends where you look online you may have been seeing that phrase the Divine Feminine many years ago now maybe six years ago I started to hear the phrase the Divine Feminine. I am intuitive and so things come to me often as a question I’ll have a question they’ll pop into my head and it leads me to something and so what happened you guys with this Divine Feminine I just started to hear the phrase and I literally was like I don’t even know what that means.
I really don’t know what that means and a couple years past I’ll jump ahead a little bit and I noticed other women and coaches online and so on using the same phrase now I had not read a book about it there was just it just literally was intuitively coming to me in quiet moments the phrase the Divine Feminine and that it’s on the rise and I spoke to a dear friend of mine who lives in Ohio and again maybe five six years ago now I’m really not good with time goddesses but this is important so I shared with this male friend of mine.
I said you know I really think that women are just gonna it’s just gonna really it’s almost like a kind of a new feminism I’m like… it’s not just they’re gonna we’re gonna start being more powerful and I said to him in politics I feel like you know it’s like well you know there’s Oprah there women coming up in media but I just I can feel it that’s what it’s stir I started to get sure enough you guys I mean literally you know two years things started to happen um you know women getting elected for certain things.
you know this is way before like me too even I and I also so I was like wow that’s interesting and I also specific quickly specifically felt that women of color would also there would be a new respect and a new new fairness and equality for women of color and I told my friend all of this like he can verify it and he’s just like oh okay that’s interesting and there wasn’t really any proof I just was like I can feel it this is what’s happening and then like I said things started to happen.
different women running for office winning local offices studies about and some of you got us isn’t a notice that he’s about that when women are empowered I think it was more specifically in third-world countries but where when women are educated let me know in the comments I mean thumbs up if you have heard this when women are educated they and and given jobs and work specifically when you target the woman and a family the whole family she spends the money on her children herself her children and her family the the money and the improvement in the families more so yeah I saw thumbs up and I was like okay and I was like well that seems like common sense it’s so it’s just interesting that if the education and the MB and the help focused on the woman the whole family would be lifted up and I thought that was really interesting and so just a lot of stuff you guys started to happen out in the world we are where we are now so what do I mean by this feminine energy it relates to you and I’ll get to that in a moment.
this feminine energy as some of you may know I have been suppressed religion is one of the main ways the the feminine aspect of the divine was removed from many many religions you know do your do your research there came a time where women and the feminine was literally demonized in in many religions okay and I’m actually reading more about that now literally like researchers religious researchers who work at universities who were doing looking at even early Christianity for example and and how the feminine was like literally cut out of you know religious tax anyway and you can see it so how can you see it now I just want you know I’m not blaming men because men are are also suffering from this and suffering as a result but what that means is religions and structures where it’s about dominance and if you’re honest you know you see this it’s about dominance it’s about control and it’s a very strict hierarchy so I’m not even gonna say a particular Church because you know there’s one ahead then there’s hierarchy of males and and you’re told this is what you do this is how you do it this is the right way this is the wrong way this is in many religions this isn’t just in one religion where the feminine has been either called the cause of all of all sin right you know women would do when was it you guys that women were even given the right to vote in America wasn’t it like nineteen twenty something I’m not good with dates like I said so women were just not considered even able to think well enough to vote you know to own property many many cultures property ownership was not allowed to women so um this just it’s it’s a belief that women are in some way inferior not up to par.
so the the Divine Feminine is coming back and rising again and it is about you can see it so how can you how can you see it how can you see this thing that I’m talking about theoretically and that I felt happening many years ago you’re seeing it in a lot of the movements in the world it’s actually a spiritual movement let me know if you you know what I’m saying it’s not because it’s like why all this why is all this stuff coming out you know why are so many horrific scandals about say the Catholic Church for example that have been lingering for decades and going on for many many many years suddenly coming out why is there so much ugliness being exposed the exposure of the the horribleness needs to happen because people need to see it okay it’s like there was a festering wound always love this analogy it’s like there’s a wound and it had a bandage it was really covered and then it was under the sleeve of the shirt you couldn’t see it then suddenly the sleeve is rolled up the bandages taken off and you see this wound so things like child sexual abuse in places like the church abuse in Hollywood of women who want to have a career and who are then basically subject you know even the art Kelly thing I have to tell you guys I never was an R Kelly person if you couldn’t tell that I just wasn’t uh the one of the young girls now just slightly literally you guys you can see she’s come back to her senses um where she’s like oh my god he used us I lied in an interview you know one of them I Jocelyn I don’t remember but this is what I’m talking about you guys it’s happening because all of this was going on but that feminine energy was really being dominated and being abused and being used whether sexually monetarily in so many ways now I truly hope that the divine masculine which I have a lot of hope for because there is a divine masculine I see that again it’s like an archetype and then men can embody it in women can embody as well so let’s just talk a little bit about the divine masculine.
the divine masculine is uh okay I’ll give you a really quick example I saw a picture of a young man and he was holding a koala bear he was literally out as the fires would die down you guys this young man was going out and trying by himself to rescue these animals and he was like holding this koala bear and I was so moved I mean you can tell that even talking about it I moved because that’s the divine masculine um what I see and please share in the comments about this I see is a real wholesale I’m not a big conspiracy theorist but I know many many young men you know like someone I was dating too in the past who they’re spending a lot of their time playing video games I’ll speed up on speaking they’re playing video games where there’s war and they’re fighting and they’re battling but that’s in this fake reality right these young men especially spending their time in this altered reality while if they turned off the computer in the game and looked behind them there is stuff that they could be out there in their community fighting for and embodying the divine masculine so I have hoped for the divine masculine the divine masculine is protective it is a warrior but it’s a warrior for justice someone like Martin Luther King embodied the divine masculine you know and was like a very good embodiment of that um I know some people want Gandhi’s controversial for some people and you know there’s certain things said about him I think we can look at the actions like nobody’s 100% perfect and pure but what were they able to do so the divine masculine is there it needs to step forward men need to step forward in fact you know if I were a male I would be like oh my god shocked at you know women coming out and saying that they’ve been sexually assaulted that they were raped these types of things should actually upset a man who is in touch with the divine masculine and I think and I hope more men will step forward and you know when they find out what their mothers have been through what their sisters have been through what their daughters and have been through okay so that’s a little aside on the divine masculine the divine feminine energy so it is about women claiming their power back and that alone scares some people like I’ve heard people like Oh it means that it’s like that it’s like no the earth is often regarded as feminine and in most cultures and if you also look kind of bringing it back to the theory again if you look at the way we treat the earth you guys the way we mind things the way we you know do logging everything that we take from the earth is taken in a way as if there is no respect there is no sense of giving back traditional cultures Africa South America India trees were revered animals were considered to have spirit also within them it is really only in this Western culture and more and also in the modern because even in Western culture yeah you know more traditional peasant Western culture there was an understanding that we are all connected that don’t take don’t take and destroy I’m not saying they weren’t Wars and of course because there were always there always especially men who it’s about that dominance right and that’s what I’m talking about that’s what’s happened we’ve come to a point of imbalance that is so deep that it’s it’s basically a balancing point I know many of us come from a Christian background and know you know the Bible talks about certain times and how will be Hindus as well in their text it talks about the age we are in now they call it the kali yuga and it is supposed to be an age and you you know you’ll find this interesting if you have not heard of it it’s absolutely said they looked at the eons of time and they said there’s a phase or people are less religious they have less respect for their parents and for tradition they basically become what we’re seeing where it’s about greed where there’s lying there’s not any sort of structure to society so that’s predicted also in Hindu texts specifically as McCully yuga and it is said that is the age we’re in and so it’s an age where there’s disorder so i want to talk a little bit about the fear i didn’t tell you guys i creaked myself out I called my friend I’m like oh my god I have to go live and I want to be positive and uplifting and we do this meditation and I checked in on the China situation right and the the what is it that rhinovirus you know when I got myself quite upset even though I was reading it something like 25,000 many thousands of people died from the flu every year this virus is nowhere it has not you know 56 people have died which of course is tragic there’s always life and then there’s death but I my friend said to me we realize it’s because we don’t know how powerfulness viruses so there’s a lot of fear out there right now and so I just want to bring that off and just acknowledge and you know let maybe share what you’re afraid of right now like is that the political situation is it children being you know housed in horrible conditions is it already the effects of climate change which is already happening a lot of the more conservative media doesn’t tie things in overtly like why are people on the move why are people leaving their countries there’s war why is there war happening is there famine is there drought is there flooding so there’s a lot going on so share with me what if any fears you you know are sort of in the back of your mind like I said for me I woke up this morning and it was like oh my god this virus and I rights I started to read about it so so there’s a lot of fear going on but the the Divine Feminine needs us and so that’s why I’m doing this live stream I want to offer and encourage you to step forward if you haven’t watched my video yet about the 2020 yearly reading I got the same card twice in did you guys see that let me know if you saw that it was that you choose one two or three and I gave an overview it’s an emperor year and Emperor years about you putting things into place structure it’s it is a masculine energy of again we have both masculine and feminine um it’s a yin and a young but it’s about putting things in place and things that and and reaping I would say you know gaining from what you have been working on for years right and Emperor the idea is that a lot of work has been put in a lot of steady work so what have you been working on goddess what have you been wanting to manifest and so what we need to do as women is to tap into our feminine energy the feminine energy often it’s women are more related to the body in many many cultures and religious teaching so what I’m finding though as I do healing work with women and myself as well is that as women in the West guess we live from here we live from our neck up okay we live we’re living from here up so we’re disembodied we’re disembodied that’s what I’m finding what that means is I’m just gonna write that down that I’m gonna talk about that we are not in touch with our intuition when you’re disembodied as a woman especially you lose contact with signals that your body would send you that tells you something isn’t right right the way that animals know an earthquake is coming or something is coming we have that instinct we are meant as embodiment of the feminine energy to have excellent intuition excellent intuition and so I think that as women we’re losing that because we’re disembodied because again this goes to the masculine paradigm that we’re living under the masculine paradigm is about the mind and that you should figure out a problem from a B C D that’s not an intuitive way to figure out a problem now I’m not saying that we don’t need that part of the brain that executive function that reasoning but what I am saying goddesses is that there’s an imbalance I would say right brain left brain is a simple way to say it I know I’m very right brain the right brain is the intuitive it’s a visual spatial it has it’s a way of processing that’s different the West Western culture it’s a it’s a very masculine paradigm of it’s like an engineering mind engineering its system structure its factories to give you a good example it would be almost factory farming versus local you know a farm the way we envision a farm right at the end you know the animals and they have a system too but it’s maybe a little closer to the animals it’s closer to the crops and how they’re raised versus a factory farm if you guys ever let me know in the comments have you ever seen a factory farm where I saw this picture it was like creepy there’s like I don’t even think a person is driving it anymore it was like a tractor say I don’t know what she was a machine and it had long like wings you guys and it was like spraying the crops and they were I’m gonna say like ten of them like picture this so it’s from the air this beautiful is green field these machines with these arms out and they were just spraying the crops now all I’m saying what that is it’s about the way our society sees even food now who there’s commodity and it’s a um it the people growing the food are divorced from the food they don’t really care about the food is what I’m saying so I’m not saying we couldn’t have that sort of machine or even large scale but it’s and it’s a mono crop it so-called corn or it’s all of this because that’s the way that is most efficient so what I’m saying contrasting efficiency with a way that’s a little more actually sustainable more long-term and so that’s the feminine energy looks at multiple multiple things I feel like the masculine energy tends to be very direct one problem it can focus on it my fed men tell me that I’m an emissivity I’ve had men say to me yeah you know good at multitasking it’s it’s and of course multitasking isn’t good for anybody but the way that you guys know especially if you’re a mother that you’re paying attention to this and that and the kids sound and they’re crying and that’s happening and oh you’re worried about this I mean they’ve done the science of a woman’s brain it’s much busier because they’re multiple they’re just multiple things happening okay and I’m saying that that we have to play to our strengths is what I’m saying and so to tap into that feminine energy but also understand that besides us as individual women it’s on the rise it has to do with things like a Greta I don’t know how you say her name the fun burg a woman there’s a very I think she might have won a Peace Prize a woman in Africa who planted a huge number of trees and just re green her nation with like very little resources and I should know her name it was amazing I think she won she definitely won some major prize for this so that feminine energy we need to embody and we need to get out there and do is healing energy the caring energy the educating energy that the world really needs right now okay so let me know in the comments what is your dream that you have not manifested yet okay I really want to know that and I think it’s important to share it what is your dream that you have not manifested yet and as you know this is something that I work with women on so I’m gonna leave a minute I’m gonna pause just let me know think about it and if you don’t want to write it here at least write it down write it from yourself let me see okay yes it’s freezing okay Minnesota I have relatives in Canada like why we’re are tropical people I’m saying I’m from Jamaica okay and why you would go live in the coldest part Manitoba I don’t know it’s yeah yeah really cold really cold like no not built for that oh she looked here her whole life okay well okay ready to go she’s ready to go though very soon okay yes hi Margaret hi Tania about help correcting the fears yeah I will so it’s really deep though it’s not like an instant thing so fears are which chopper do you think a lot of fear is related to you know I’m an ex professor so I have to quiz you okay I can’t do all the work what chopper do you think fear is said to be linked to I wish I had a prize set up for whoever got it first but I don’t there’s no pride with Chapra because says Lima said will I be talking about help correcting your fears let me know in the chat if you know yep yep I would say root chakra because that has to do with our ancestors that has to do with family programming so again and again science is finding this find so exciting again and it was something I mean I knew and and and holistic people were already saying it if your ancestors went through a trauma they now believe that it literally like there’s almost like in your DNA there’s like a heightened sensitivity I wouldn’t know that and I don’t mean because like literally like oh so then grandma was stressed and brandade drank and that I mean like more subtle than that that you know you put two people side by side and one who whose family had this trauma it’s gonna react a certain way I mean like thinking that so the root chakra and so our root chakra for many women is not strong go watch my you chakra my root chakra video find out more about what it governs that it has to do with ancestry it has to do with family with roots right with your roots so your birth family your ancestors and and very much about how you relate what you what you think you deserve how you think you can be in the world so it’s a very powerful chakra and very important to balance so I would say you have to work on your who chakra and also of course in that left-brain way try to kind of give your life some structure interestingly enough my what I’m saying though is I think a lot of us try to live in the structure as women rather than also tapping into our intuition so I think you’d be less fearful if the solar plexus is also super important the solar plexus you know has the fears to do with how people over power over you and got and goddesses they’re all connected so picture like seaweed when you think of the chakras picture like you know see we like moves like that they’re not like rigid things right so the colors change which is also something that people are you now seem like not to realize that the colors are not going to be that these exact rainbow colors it’s like whether those are the ideal colors when completely healthy but in ancient texts the colors given for the chocolates were different so it’s you know why are they different now I you know I don’t know I’m sure they’re people who would speak on that but just so you know that the colors change depending on what you’re going through the chakra is open or closed it’s it’s not like a rigid thing so the third chakra is very much about our personal power I know I have a damaged third chakra how can you know in terms of feminine energy I think a lot of us women I’ve said this in my videos actually the third chakra is super important because it has to do with personal power so if you are being abused in your relationship I’ve used at your job you can’t stand up for yourself the third chakra is definitely involved there okay so it’s a very important chakra but women we tend to focus on if like oh yeah my root chakra oh and my second chakra because that’s that sexuality and the reproductive system and many of us have issues with the reproductive system but the third chakra is vinyl oh that’s really important so watch my third chakra video as well so let’s do a meditation let’s just do a meditation together and an activation let’s see I also want to just see if anybody shared I yeah I think that folks were maybe not comfortable sharing what they’re afraid of hi I am Fiona is it Fiona or Iona Margaret Tanya evany thusly mom let’s just do a meditation we are not embodied so fear gets us into our heads and what fear science is even shown because of course now they can do really good brain scans you guys when we are very fearful we literally don’t see options it’s like it’s like we’re like this when we’re scared we see survival okay I think there are powers that be that want to keep us as women in survival I really do because when you’re in survival what happens it’s very easy to be bigoted to hate other groups if you look at our especially in the US and on the rise in Europe and even in Africa there’s a lot of you know there were the two groups I think it was Rwanda that’s used to Pit one group against another the people have to be fearful if they’re not fearful you can’t control them okay I’m gonna let that sink in if people are not fearful you cannot control them so the powers that be would want men and women would want us to be very fearful to finish that thought so when science has found that when we are fearful what happens in the brain is we do not see options you know when you’re fearful and you’re really scared you don’t see oh wow you know I could call so-and-so who I worked with like five years ago and you you will not make connections you will not make creative connections because you’re you’re terrified and you’re in fight-or-flight you’ve got your cortisol spiking I think many of us in communities of color cortisol levels are high things like high blood pressure some of you may know are used as a marker of happiness in studies because if there’s high blood pressure there’s there’s a stress component the black community and communities of color so especially so I mean all people are under stress right now but of course stress is going to depending on your resources depending on the support and so on it’s going to affect you differently so what we need to do is stay out of fear as much as we can we need to balance it and I’m speaking here for myself as well if we find that the media becomes overwhelming to answer to the Leena’s question turn it off turn off the media I don’t personally I’m not one of those conspiracy theorists that literally think the media is trying to necessarily sum some parts are like to terrify us some are some of it is what’s really happening and there is a lot because you know our ancestors wouldn’t have known what was happening outside of you know five hundred miles from them or something do you know what I mean they didn’t live day to day with the the type of fear that we live with now you know if a building collapses in China we know it if there’s a toxin in something that’s getting to America we know it if there’s an earthquake here we know it there’s a fire here we know it and all of that is leading us to a lot of fear so we need to stay embodied that means we need to feel our body and that’s going to help us have our intuition Wow should I take that trip right now you know is that a good idea hmm you know tap into your intuition maybe it’s not a good idea should I go back to school it seems like then I’ll make more money and I’ll be good for me uh yeah II gotta tap into your intuition maybe it’s not such a good idea I follow a guy named Gary Vaynerchuk he’s very different than me he’s very very different but he says something like you know you could think you made the wrong decision but maybe if you’d gotten that job in Texas you would have stepped off the bus you know stepped on the stepped off the bus from the airport to go to the new job and been hit by a car and died he’s like you cannot know what the option you didn’t take was you you cannot know if that indeed was not a bad option even though it looked good so what I’m saying goddess is let’s trust ourselves let’s build our intuition so let’s do a meditation ah take a couple of deep breaths in and out it’s not talking for now hopefully we’re getting some of that across do the grounding breath breathing in through the nose Reed after the mouth you through the nose out through the mouth get settled get comfortable wherever you are if like me you’re sitting on a chair put your feet flat if possible okay hip distance apart go ahead and lower your eyes close your eyes hopefully you can hear me I’m gonna try to speak up so adjust your volume lower your eyes if you’d like you can keep them a little bit open just so you can a little bit of light is coming we’re gonna tune into our physical body feel your toes lift up your toes spread them out put them back down on the ground feel your toes and the soles of your feet the tops of your feet ankles both right and left that’s all you’re doing just try to feel not think about your feet but to feel your feet so we’re dropping out of the brain we’re dropping out of the alarm signals just to practice it so you may have been very calm it’s a Sunday as I’m feeling that’s my time but this is a great technique in either case whether you’re starting at a degree of fear or worry at N or whether you’re all the way at like a 2 and you’re just very chilled out this is still gonna feel good ankles and feet feel your calf muscles breathe in breathe out I’m bringing all of my attention to my calf right now I’m just scanning and noticing what’s there think of it it’s almost like you’re an x-ray machine or like the airport scanner think of it that way maybe you’re you’re literally just like what do I wait but what do I feel it’s a feeling come up now to your knees and thighs goddess buttocks and the pelvis just notice what you feel you’re doing your left leg and your right leg at the same time so you’re sweeping up your body symmetrically feel as if you’re sitting on a roll you’re sitting your heart is open your shoulders are down head is level mm-hmm beautiful now noticing your breath notice the chest shoulders the middle and upper back take your time with this area your entire torso notice what’s happening what’s there you feel the belly expand as you breathe in and fall as we go so notice your breath you feel your ribs expanding and then they sort of like an accordion then they go back together they expand and they really yeah bring your attention now goddess to your shoulders the tops of your shoulders let’s bring the shoulders up briefly bring them up to your ears like I’m doing open your eyes if you want to just see squeeze your shoulders up and then drop them do two more times bring them up squeeze tight and drop when you drop make sure you don’t leave them halfway up okay so you bring them up and then drop them all the way down like that’s it my shoulders can’t go any lower ah feel your fingertips your pinky finger or finger middle finger index finger your thumb feel your palm your hands are resting on your legs let’s now actually turn your palms up that is more restful for your brain because you won’t be processing information through your fingertips apparently the hands have a huge amount of sensors in the brain because of course we use our hands for everything right so you know you want nothing touching your hands and go ahead turn your palms up feel your wrists and your forearms are heavy relaxed nothing for you to do make or create the ride height fingers interlock your elbows upper arms relaxed breathe then breathe out but your arms just hang there just dropped like there’s little two-pound weight on your elbows so your elbows I’m just having now come up to your throat the back of your neck in sensations pulsing warm tingling finally let’s go through and scan the face so the mouth relax them in the jaw cheeks locks the cheeks muscles the muscles around the eyes so if you have any expression on your face just see if you can just relax the face the face kind of drop a little bit relax the face relax your temples ur forehead feel as if there’s a gentle hands just going from the center to the side just smoothing out the floor hand smoothing it out mentally even now go up to your scalp that’ss feel your scalp top of the head back of the head and round scholar release and relax you’re doing great if your mind wandered bring it right back in fact now bring your mind back to the feet then bring your mind to your fingers then bring your mind to the top of your head feel your whole body now beautiful so let’s take this a little bit deeper and tap into our feminine wisdom and to help you feel grounded so we’re gonna tune into the pelvis sometimes I call it the Golden Bowl meditation so get ready breath in and out okay so rub the palms together this is what I love to do warm up your hands right now rub them together and then take your hand and place it right below your belly button around the area of the room then breathe out beautiful and hopefully you can feel the warmth of your hand down as you breathe in and out you’re sending warmth into the pelvis into the area of swadisthana chakra the second chakra the room is safe for women this is a very important chakra many of us have issues with fibroids with since that energetically that’s what is done chakra there’s a lot of emotional underpinnings when we have these issues in our room space but we can begin healing even if for example and this is true you might still have fibroids and so on but there’s an energetic healing it can happen feel they are breathing energy into your room space as you breathe in the energy goes to right below your hand so you feel as if there’s a ball of energy in the pelvic space and the warmth of your hand and you’re connecting with that energy in ham energy in warm exhale just release and I just feel that a few times goddess bringing warmth into the wolf space to further help you really feel the structure of that area I invite you to just take a leap one hand doesn’t matter which and bring it to your sacrum the triangular bone right here the word sacred in there the sacrum it’s at the base of your spine and just put your hand might have my fingers pointing down just put your hand over that bone and just feel now that should feel actually very comforting that you’re sending warm from the back of the body from the sacrum so right up off the tailbone there is a triangular bone right in the tailbone from the tip at the bottom of the spine and your hand is still in the front one hands and front my hands and back and just feel that they’re sending warmth and healing between both hands the very nurturing feeling I know it might be a little awkward to the back hand depends on how flexible you are find some clothes you’re just listening to my voice because I really want you to tune in to yourself breathing enter now let’s bring the hand that was on the sacrum let’s bring it around then just cup like this as if you were holding a copy or at left hip you can just feel the hip bone the left hip bone let’s feel that ready so that’s one side of this bowl just golden ball pelvic Bowl and then take your right hand fetes and just cup your right hip bone just feel that we’re really just tuning back into our bodies good and then just bring both hands again and your hands are right above the pubic bone in the front it’s above the pubic bone and below the belly button I’d like you now before we close the practice so just tune into what you feel with this attention that we have given I feel warmth I feel aware of energy in around the area of my sacrum where before I wasn’t noticing that so just notice what you feel and again couple more breaths feel you bringing energy into this area you’re bringing aliveness you’re bringing healing you’re bringing vibrancy this is wonderful for women who may be going through menopause or even postmenopausal again you’re enlivening where your attention goes energy is going to flow and so many of us again may be through sexual abuse or through very religious or strict upbringing we just may not be very in touch with that feminine base so this is your base of power about it says your both hands around the pelvis you can blink a few times and if you’d like you can open your eyes but I just want you to keep your hands there and just realize this is the center of our power in martial arts the area two to three fingers down from the belly button that unten is considered this it’s the center of our gravity so especially for women tend to be heavier through the hips and the legs in the butt right you so to answer the question how do you deal with fear you have to be more embody so I need you to feel and connect in with the pelvis or the hips the whole Golden Bowl and just feel that there’s energy there take a few deep breaths goddess in wave it out hmm when you’re ready blink a few times open your eyes nice and slow if you’d like to do a stretch you could interlace your thumbs and just bring your arms up overhead lean a little to one side to the other side stretch inhale back to the center and just bring the palms together through the center so why is this universally considered a prayer position esoterically it’s because you’re bringing the left and the right sides together left-brain right-brain masculine feminine yin and Yan and where do the hands tend to fall they tend to fall into heart chocolate mmm so you’re bringing yourself the duality the masculine the feminine that often is in conflict within us bringing that together and then you’re bringing to the heart just the beginning of the higher chakras so just follow this position with me palms together childers relaxed and I’d love for you to share how you feel in a moment just let me know how you feel on the challenge you know my eyes were closed I wasn’t eating the towel and then what we’re gonna do though as well let’s rub the hands together again and then what I’d like you to do guys is just rub your lower back area that is the kidney area just warm that the kidneys also have to do very much with fear you know I always give this example right like when children or even animals sometimes when they’re afraid what they’ll pee involuntarily definitely linked with fear with the adrenal glands so what you’re doing is you’re taking your hands and you’re just rubbing from the lower back the top of the thighs down your knees and just sort of reground in yourself even more okay please share in the comments how you’re feeling right at this moment I would really love that I’d love to know they’re 8 of us which is actually quite a large number for alive just let me know how you feel in the in the chat please so that was a meditation that is the type is called the body scan it helps you as a woman come back into your body it’s wonderful when you have anxiety so if you can even do it at work if you have your own office that’s really nice okay we are less anxious if we’re actually in our bodies anxiety strangely enough I’m not now I’m not saying you can’t get heart palpitations and that yes but this is a way to calm and combine there’s some other techniques that I also teach the breathing and so on it really can help you overcome anxiety so share in the comments how did that feel for you and also if you have any questions at this point and while I wait for some questions to come through Auto wonderful oh gosh it just makes me feel so good you guys really does does Lema said she says I feel amazing like I so I ran my coaching program the end of um before Christmas I obviously has to get in before before the holiday before Christmas people too busy and just to hear it’s like we have this within us this is within you this is peace we have this but again back to some of the powers-that-be our culture wants to keep us busy having to work so hard that we can’t relax okay there’s a picture I want to show you guys I didn’t I don’t have it really close well then I can describe it though our society again I don’t think a lot of its deliberate some of it is our society wants to keep us working so hard busy stressed you’re easier to control when you’re when you’re fearful and so that end the need for a certain amount of money you know especially in the u.s. it keeps you I need another job I have to work more hours keeps us in a constant state of stress so do this meditation I have this on my channel you guys I’ll tell you real quick how I have it but you can just search body scan I have it under like busy women meditation for busy women so if you’re on my channel and you and you do busy women I have and they’re like five minute meditations the whole videos ten minutes cuz I talk a little then I introduce it and then the meditation is five minutes so check that out I also have one that’s called mindfulness in nature and somebody asked me oh wait you don’t have to be in nature I’m a nature when I did it and so you hear the trees that one is amazing you guys you will feel so calm that one is about fifteen minutes I would say so check out my mindfulness meditation in nature so she feels amazing crystal it’s kind of maybe not her full name it’s just like her handle so she feels great I feel open yeah yeah so you can do this the thing is the more you practice it will be your normal state so I want to say a little bit more about that and I do want to take questions but goddesses I do want to tell you as I calling this goddess conversation I don’t know I was trying to come up with a cute name okay I think it was goddess conversations so my course is starting I want to tell you a little bit about it so if you give me a couple minutes just to tell you about it because I would love to have you join it if it’s right for you so the this session is goddess manifestation so they have a different theme at times we will be working with chakras we will be working with affirmations but we’ll also be doing some yoga then you know record specific videos for yoga and I put it together into a methodology so it’s called goddess manifestation and right now registration is open and the low registration is open hang on the early registration is what I’m trying to say there you go it’s actually hard you guys and this is just a little warning if you do meditate don’t then immediately you need a little bit of time you want some quiet time where you can journal or something before you come back because your brain goes to a different state so like we just meditated it’s hard for me then to come back and be like yakking put on what a dirty bum the program so it is three months long and each week you get a practice to do that’s gonna strengthen you and then we go live the next week so I used to meet with coaching clients every week and I found it was just too much for them you know it’s too much did you do this did you do that no so you’ll get a lesson delivered via email audio video or whatever to you if you join the program you’ll have that to work on right so it’s you know you have that week and you have more time and then we go live the live will be kind of like what we’re doing now and I’ll also take questions that you’re having so for this program goddess it’s for those of you who want a transformation you either want what I write on my website you’re either want to start your own business like I have you want to leave a job you want to move across country you want to do something adventurous you want to go to China to teach English okay not that province but another province okay in China you want to yeah you want to go work for the Peace Corps you want to do something big than this coaching program is for you okay so you’ll have sisterhood and I get a really diverse group of women like much more than I think folks would imagine you know my last group was just a really great group of women we meet like this we meet virtually and we would do Q&A and I would help you with any questions had about what we learned but you have to have a goal you’re working on you don’t have to have the goal before you join just so you know I don’t want you to be like I don’t know what my goal is but for 2020 if that’s something you want it may be um yeah you want to start a business your business is floundering and you want to like figure that out and so I want to talk a little bit about that so let me know in the chat do you have a big goal that you want to accomplish just telling me doesn’t mean you have to register it’s okay but I do want to know what your goal is and I’ll share a few of my goals I think I did just say what I’m proudest of is that I’m now completely supporting myself from self-employment it doesn’t mean I may never like teach again in academia which you know you guys know is what I did I ended up being bullied in academia I was a professor because there’s always new people on here and that was what I did I taught art at a community college and the kids were great you know they were fine Community College you know all different ages all different backgrounds and they really liked me I had great reviews but it was the staff so there were some issues with bullying and you know again I have a video on that one of my first videos is about not being a victim not labeling yourself as a victim so if you can give me a comment if you have related to a job where you were being bullied by your boss or superiors so what I’m proud of from 2019 is I actually supported myself being self-employed and that is not easy you guys and so I’m here for any of you who want to do that as women we have to be you keep your only your business will only be as big your dreams will only manifest to the degree that you can hold them okay I thought about this and I had a way I wanted to say it but this is the honest-to-god truth you can’t grow a successful business before growing yourself about:blank Live chat replay is not available for this video.