How to forgive myself? Well- Release & move on from the Past year, and forgive yourself for past mistakes, that’s what this podcast/video is about. We use a Journaling & Meditation Healing Practice for success in 2020.
This short writing and guided meditation with affirmations is very powerful method to forgive yourself, try it for ending the year 2019 to let go of emotional baggage.
I lead the journaling practice, to be healing and it may cause you to release pent up, old negative energy and negative feelings that you may have been unaware of till now. This journaling practice will leave you feeling lighter and ready to move forward to your goals in 2020. Any questions please ask in comments.
Sandalwood incense:*
(I’m an affiliate for Amazon, I get a small amount for recommending items I use & love to others. At no cost to you.)
Goddess in your prime? Stuck on what to do to live your dreams, tired and lack of energy, stressed?
I’m a spiritual teacher, yogini and meditation practitioner for over 2 decades. Been featured in Essence, Self, Yoga Journal & Heart & Soul magazines. I provide spiritual coaching (online and audio/video) for any woman ready to live their best, most joyful life!
My focus is on spiritual growth, meditation, manifestation & developing our intuition as the connection to the Divine. With a focus on those suffering from anxiety and stress.
Join my In the Flow of Magic (tarot readings & spirituality,) e-list here: and get two guided relaxation, meditations FREE and blog post updates:
Interested in coaching? Go here:
Have a wonderful week, spread peace, and your gifts with the world.
Twitter: @KalaViv
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