Announcing my new Goddess Group Coaching theme: The Chakras: Money, Sex, Power an Introduction. The first, second, and third chakras are key for thriving in life. They have power over practical day to day success as well as spiritual development.
Healing money, empowerment & worthiness issues is available via healing the chakras.
The first- root chakra is very much about feeling abundant, safe, comfortable and stable in daily life. So money issues are related to imbalance in this root chakra.
The second chakra is about sex, relating to others one on one, and flowing with changes in life. Enjoying pleasure, sensuality and inner flexibility is all part of chakras number two-sacral chakra.
The third chakra is the power chakra- self-power, confidence and self esteem to act in the world. It is also very much about our physical health.
Goddess interested in getting coach in a group? Go here:
I’m a spiritual teacher, yogini and meditation practitioner for over 2 decades. Been featured in Essence, Self, Yoga Journal & Heart & Soul magazines. I provide spiritual coaching (online and audio/video) for any woman ready to live their best, most joyful life!
My focus is on spiritual growth, meditation, manifestation & developing our intuition as the connection to the Divine. With a focus on those suffering from anxiety and stress. Join my In the Flow of Magic (tarot readings & spirituality,) e-list here: and get two guided relaxation, meditations FREE and blog post updates:
Have a wonderful week, spread peace, and your gifts with the world.