E44: FIFTH (Throat) Chakra Explained, with Guided Meditation

Chakras for Beginners: Chakras Explained: THROAT CHAKRA
This is a series of 8 videos on chakras. Welcome. We are up to chakra #5 Vishuddi Throat chakra. All the videos will go over each chakra and end with a short meditation.

Chakra Introduction: https://youtu.be/Tx9xRCrRAFs
1st chakra: https://youtu.be/yK_86SSL0Yk
2nd chakra: https://youtu.be/AOFvMQOVtrk
3rd chakra: https://youtu.be/bMklmUafack
4th chakra: https://youtu.be/KVj_HBe6Xc0

I’m a spiritual teacher, yogini and meditation practitioner for over 2 decades. Been featured in Essence, Self, Yoga Journal & Heart & Soul magazines.
My focus is on spiritual growth, meditation, manifestation & developing our intuition as the connection to the Divine. With a focus on those suffering from anxiety and stress.

Join my In the Flow of Magic (tarot readings & spirituality, coaching) e-list here: and get two guided relaxation, meditations FREE and blog post updates: http://eepurl.com/ci0h8L
For tarot reading: http://intheflowofmagic.com/book-an-online-tarot-reading/

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Have a wonderful week, spread peace, and your gifts with the world.

Twitter: @KalaViv
Personal account https://www.instagram.com/kalaviv/
https://www.instagram.com/blackgurlzen/ account highlighting meditation and inspiration for black women.

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