Chakra Energy Healing

Energy Alchemy Sessions

The seed of this service was planted when students began mentioning that they felt energy movement in their chakras while doing my meditations (even without me present.) But it really began decades ago (see below under “History”)


Energy healing sessions are for emotional and spiritual healing & improvement.  I work at a distance with the subtle energy meridians and chakra system.  This evolving system came as a result of getting signs internally and externally that this gift needed expression. 


I have been doing in person energy work (shiatsu- a form of energy meridian massage) for many years.  With Covid and changing times- it became clear I could reach more people who connected to  my energy by working at a distance, comfortably and with ease for both myself and the client.  Still I was reluctant to put this out but this year around my birthday it became clear this was what wanted to be expressed.


To know ourselves is to recognize the light within—the pure, divine energy that connects us to the Sacred.


I loved my energy alchemy session. The number one thing that is important to me is feeling safe and I completely felt safe with her… I had a hard time relaxing at first but with Vivinne guidance I was able to relax.


When she tapped into my energy she was very spot on which shocked me because someone I can be a bit skeptical. 


I would definitely recommend working with her. I plan on continuing working with her as well. Trust me you will not regret it.



Your nature was calm and soothing something that was much needed. Living in the Bronx we do not have a real presence of yoga and energy healing. The energy here is quire heavy and sometimes dark.
I felt much lighter after our session and have been thinking about all of that you shared and suggested over the last few days.


Thank you for your calm & curious demeanor.

Thank you for your light!



-Lish, public service

My experience with the energy cleansing was amazing and brought so much clarity to me! As Viv cleansed my energy- my third eye was activated and felt like it was pulsing, and my eyes were even fluttering! 

While I was quiet my mind filled with the usual negative thoughts and worries, but as she worked I began to see clear solutions to my problems, it felt like my mind was being rewired almost. 

Afterwards she explained to me what information she received while doing the cleansing, and everything was so accurate and I was amazed by her ability to pick up on so much. She helped me understand that there are some events in my life that have caused me to hold onto trauma, and even sensed the sore neck that I woke up with that morning!


Viv pulled cards for me that explained my situation clearly and gave me new perspectives on my life. It felt like this experience came to me at the exact time I needed it, I feel like I have a fuller understanding of my path forward.



-Jovelle, College Student


The energy clearing and reading was a very relaxing process. I most enjoyed hearing Viv’s description of my energy. From the session, I gained insight on the chakra I want to work with going forward! I would recommend this service if you want gentle guidance and a soothing experience.


-Elle, visual artist


What You May Feel:

Clients report feeling something, split between feeling a chakra pulsing, vibrating or movement.  Others report feeling very peaceful or states of distracted then very peaceful alternating.

Most report imagery flashing through their minds, relating to their current issues or seemingly random.

The “random” imagery on discussion often evokes past life or current life connections, such as cultures they like or habits they have.



What is a session like?

  1. During your appointment you lay down, with soft music. I ground, center myself and do the energy session with my guides and yours.
  2. After about 20 minutes, I transition to a divination for a message around what you are needing to heal or take steps with.
  3. You then come back on camera and I share the divination in a discussion format.

(Note I’m no longer offering divination readings by themselves; but here in the context of Energy Alchemy practice.)

My reading with Viv was spot on, and felt very valuable and validating to me. Her intuition is accurate and strong, and her insight helped guide me to some breakthroughs in the following weeks after we met. Her presence alone helped ground and balance me, and it was a pleasure to meet with her. If you have been attracted to any of Viv’s content please consider a reading! 

– a Ph.D. candidate


“On a scale of 1-10, 10 being Excellent, Viv gets a 10 hands down!

This was my first totally personal reading, as I’ve participated in couple of general on-line quick pick, one card readings in the past. However, my Spirit guides had been pushing me to gain clarity and Viv stood out to me, after listening to her videos on clearing Chakras. I’m grateful that I listened and sought her out for help, she provided exactly what was required; my questions were answered and the clarity I required was obtained.

I’m finally headed in the right direction, in addition, my Spirit  guides have said further work is necessary to learn how to remain on track; as I’m a novice to centering/meditating, but again, I’m grateful I’ve found the guidance/teacher I have been seeking in Goddess Viv!
– Retiree, U.S.



The best reading I’ve ever had. Viv provides so much clarity and each card that was pulled resonated with me. There was so much wisdom and insight that gave me confidence. Thank you Viv! 

~Karen, Actress, Chicago



 Shamanic Ally Reading:

Vivinne’s intuitive reading was both uplifting and reassuring. Her interpretation of the cards in the reading was very accurate and insightful. I was going through a period of anxiety, rushing frantically to try to get many things done. Hearing that my animal ally is Snail helped me to slow down and accept that I work best at a slow and meditative pace.

~ Lucinda Hudson, Reading Tutor


I desperately needed clarity about ending an important part of my life and I had a reading with Vivienne.
Her reading was very intuitive and gave me the courage to make the decisions I needed to make and trust my intuition more in life.So in the spiritual journey of healing myself my true work has come to the fore…and helping my husband with a project he has wanted to get off the ground as sweetened/healing the relationship.
 Finally, I was invited to co-found an environmental project looking for biodiversity conservation, tree planting and ocean cleaning in my home country! Cleo, Author, Businesswoman

…What she shared with me during the reading resonated deeply. After the appointment I felt a sense of relief from the stress of making this decision on my own. Moving forward, I’ve felt much more balanced and confident in the direction I’ve chosen. Thank you, Viv!

~Bridget K., Mom, Healer/Reiki Master

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