Is it possible to build a healing business online via Youtube? You’ve ehard about some Youtubers usually gamer’s or makeup who are making tons of money and have thousands of followers. Of course if you’re like me, a healer, wellness coach and spiritual person that’s not exactly what you are wanting. What’s great is it’s not needed either!

If you start a Youtube channel and are a healer or health coach or the like you don’t need a huge audience to start getting clients.

how to build successful youtube channel for healer 2 spiritual business coach start As my channel grew slowly at first as I wasn’t study how to grow and what I needed to do to grow my spiritual business on youtube. It was just an outlet for frustration- my first video was on surviving bullying at work. I made it after leaving academia to pursue more holistic work. I really wanted to share and empower other women to not feel like victims.

If you want start youtube for spiritual business, I do think it’s still possible. And it will get harder as more and more people come online and the idea of being a “youtuber” is no longer strange to the mainstream.

The benefits of buidlign a build spiritual brand on youtube 1, are many:

  • builds a community who over time know, like and trust you
  • beacuse video unlike audio alone or text is much more personal
  • allows potential clients to see your skills & expertise in action
  • helps you to codify and create content you can use in real life
  • generates leads to your website or business!

I’m to going to lie and say that its’ easy. It’s not.  For clients I recommend 3-5 hours a week of work to grow a channel. But if you are not earning enough now and really want to share your gifts you can find that time. 

I did by cutting down on social media intake, reading less and simply cutting out things that honestly I wasn’t’ as fascinated by.  Youtbue can be FUN. 

THE WAY I teach it-it can be a process of boosting confidence and self-awareness and even self-love. Yep all while creating your own free space, online, a home for those who resonate with you.  And what i love is that they can be anywhere. Most of my channel viewers are US and UK, but I have viewers from Poland, India and other random places.

If you’re thinking of starting a  youtube for healing business I have a checklist of the traits required & things to consider. If you’d like to get it go here and it will be sent out to you:

If you’re interested in my Youtube Power Start (a program to get you started and save time and money) on Youtube. go here for details:



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