Welcome, I’m Viv.  

I mentor high achieving women who are dealing with toxic levels of stress, feeling cut off from their intuition and un-grounded to reverse all of that!


My Mindful Meridian Method– comes holistic practices like mindfulness, meditation and acupressure self-massage to create a customized healing protocol for you.


I have extensive background in spirituality. I teach meditation and have been a certified yoga teacher & massage therapist for decades.
My popular Youtube channel is featured below.
Have a look around, each page gives a way to book an appointment or go to Contact Me.
Namaste & Be Well!

CHAKRA SOUL ALCHEMY: Healing for Challenging Times
Now Enrolling!

Private Coaching

Meditation & Self-Massage
8 Session Coaching Program


Many of us are suffering from nagging issues, whether new or chronic such as high blood pressure, digestive issues…

Science is now saying, what you already knew: many illness or “dis-ease” are related to lifestyle stressors.

You are unique!

Learn precisely how to practice mindfulness meditation for stress, insomnia or a health issue.  And beautifully blended in acupressure points for your specific health conditions.


Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. begin it now.

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