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Thanks for your purchase!  Please read “How to ask a good question,” below.

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How to ask a good question:

Love Tarot Question:

Bad Question: Will he (specific person) come back to me?
This is unhelpful question as it puts your power outside of you, and is simply yes or no probabilities.

Good Question: How can I attract a loving, kind, …. partner? What is holding me back, what do I need to know?

You then can take steps internal and external to really have your dream. You grow as a human being and understand the energy and issues around you.
I do not get into muddled, dysfunctional or abusive relationship issues.

Career Tarot Question:

Bad Question #1: Will I ever get a new job?
Bad Question #2: Will I get this job?

The first is too vague and doesn’t give you actionable info.
The second you might get a no- and get depressed, when in fact that job is in a company that is going out of business in the year. Or as an abusive boss.

Good Question:

What can I do to find a well-paying, stable job in an environment that I enjoy?

BACKGROUND:  And finally it is helpful for me to have a few sentences on what is going on now- the background of the question!

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